About Honors
The Elliott T. Bowers Honors College
Thank you for your interest in the Elliott T. Bowers Honors College at Sam Houston State University!
Our mission is to offer uniquely broad and stimulating experiences that encourage personal and professional growth.
The Honors College was established in 1987 and has grown ever larger in size and distinction. The college has doubled in numbers just over the past five years, echoing the fairly remarkable growth here at Sam.
Added numbers have not diminished the quality of the program, however. We place precisely as much emphasis on quality as we did in 1987, but the growth in quality programs at Sam (which is underscored by a strong emphasis on teaching and scholarly excellence in our faculty, as well as the growing regional and national reputation of several of our programs) has increased the number of top students attracted to our University. The Elliott T. Bowers Honors College is proud to be the beneficiary of this leap forward in excellence.
If you are an incoming freshman, a transfer student, or a current SHSU student who has an excellent academic record and a desire to be in a program that will both challenge you and embrace your own excellence, the Honors College is the place for you!
Honors Students
Honors students earn Honors credit in a variety of specially designated classes, and works toward the distinction of graduating 'With Honors' or 'With Highest Honors.' To qualify for graduation with honors, a student must have been a participant in the Honors College and have completed 24 hours of honors class credit, including participation in two interdisciplinary honors seminars. To qualify for graduation 'With Highest Honors' a student must, in addition, complete a senior thesis in an approved discipline under the direction of a faculty member of his/her choice. The student will receive 6 credit hours of departmental course credit when completing the senior thesis. Once accepted into the Honors College, a student must maintain a 3.25 overall SHSU GPA in order to continue participating in the Honors College.
The Elliott T. Bowers Honors College
1921 Ave J, Academic Building IV Suite 202, Huntsville, Texas 77340
Phone: (936).294.1477 | Email: honors@shsu.edu