Personnel Actions Forms (EPAF)
Electronic Personnel Action Forms (EPAFs) authorize payroll transactions. Payments will not be generated without a properly completed EPAF for the employee. The EPAF must be received by the Human Resources EPAF deadline for the appropriate pay period to be activated for the next available payroll date. EPAFs received after deadline will be processed in the subsequent payroll period.
Submitting an EPAF
1. Secure Funding
Departments are responsible for coordinating with their budget director to allocate funding prior to submitting the action. Insufficient funds may result in delays or cancellation of the EPAF.
2. Get Approval & Submit Paperwork
Departments should coordinate with HR for approval and completion of paperwork prior to submitting an EPAF. Human Resources (HR) will check for eligibility and accuracy before the EPAF becomes effective.
3. Submit EPAF
Non-Grant Funded Staff & Hourly Students
Departments will submit their actions to Human Resources (HR) by their deadline.
Grant-Funded, Federal College Work Study Funded, & Academic Positions
Departments will submit their actions through Banner Self-Service by the HR deadline.