Development Timeline

The development of annual budgets is part of a continuing planning process. This process includes setting realistic goals, identifying income and expenses, separating needs from wants, and prioritizing initiatives.

Budget Timeline

The timeline below illustrates the process used to develop the University’s annual operating budget for the ensuing fiscal year (September 1 to August 31). The development times are subject to change year to year*.

*Subject to change based on Legislature and TSUS Board requirements or rulings.

Estimated Period Phase
Early January

Base Budget Established

Directors of Financial Planning & Budget (FPB) will work with Divisions and Colleges to establish their base budgets.

January ‐ February

Identify & Prioritize Needs

Department Heads will discuss their needs, and then prioritize with their AVP, VP, and/or Dean keeping the university's strategic plan in mind.

February 3 ‐ 7

WDesk Training

FPB Office will distriubte the timeline and host WDesk training.

  • WDesk training is for designated personnel only - Week of February 3-7, 2025.

February 10 ‐ 28

Submit Requests in WDesk ‐ Budget Requests and KSS

WDesk to open up February 10, 2025. With the Vice President (VP) or Dean's approval, department requests are entered into WDesk by designated personnel no later than February 28, 2025.

  • Enter information for operational enhancements, HEF, fixed costs, and self-funded proposals.
  • Each proposal will need to include the strategic priority, goal, and risk of not funding information.
  • Keep, Start, Stop entries will need to be entered by all VPs and Deans.

February 17 ‐ 28

Estimate Revenue

FPB Office estimates enrollment-based revenues.

  • FPB will distribute mandatory fee revenue estimates to colleges/divisions on February 17, 2025.

March 17 ‐ 27

Budget Workshops

VP/Dean, Provost, and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) meet to consolidate budget requests and refine priorities.

March 31 ‐ April 25

Budget Salaries & Reconcile Base Budget

Directors of FPB reconcile budgets to Salary Planner and Budget Development.

April 15 ‐ 16

Strategic Plans and Keep-Start-Stop (KSS)

Deans and VPs present their strategic plans for the coming years, including the KSS proposals.

May ‐ June

Merit & Faculty Market Process

If funding is available, the merit and faculty market process begins.

June ‐ July

Award Letters Distributed

Award letters notifying departments of budget additions for the upcoming fiscal year for newly funded initiatives, HEF funding, and fixed costs (pending TSUS Board approval).


TSUS Approval

The TSUS cabinet meets to review and approve budgets for all colleges in the system.

Mid‐Late August

Finalize Budget

  • FPB Office conducts a final review of the approved budget and begins the budget loading process into Banner Finance.
  • EPAFs load to Payroll for the new fiscal year.
  • Budget allocations communicated by senior leadership.

September 1

FY 2026 Begins